1209 E. Main Street
Merrill, WI 54452
Toll Free: 800.729.9059

Central Wisconsin Wholesale Auto Parts
1209 E Main St
Merrill, WI 54452
United States

Ph: 715-536-9669

Best Customer Service in town

This is the best place in town to go when you need help with something. The manager is very helpful and is willing to take the time to help you figure out what it is that you need. Being a woman its hard for us to find someone that wont talk to you like you are a stupid girl. He helps you out and doesnt make you feel stupid while doing it or try to make an extra dollar off of you because you dont know what it is that you exactly need. Definitely the best car parts place in town!!!

By Georgia
See testimonials.
Tuesday 4 June 2013


Posted at 3:19 PM

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Vestibulum lobortis varius hendrerit. Praesent sed libero ac lorem facilisis porttitor. Nunc hendrerit ornare magna nec semper. Nam diam ante, pretium vel blandit at, pharetra id lacus. Etiam hendrerit adipiscing magna, ac accumsan neque varius eget. Etiam risus lacus, scelerisque imperdiet accumsan et, consectetur eget risus. Mauris eget enim eget erat sollicitudin dapibus ac ut libero. Nam eu purus eget tellus ultrices pulvinar.